Start planning your backyard home improvements now, so that you can make changes the moment that the winter snow melts. Here are just a few ideas for renovations and additions to get you inspired for your backyard makeover.

The Doors

The first home improvement to consider for your renovation is your back entrance, because it is the passage that leads you directly into the backyard. Instead of having a traditional door that will block off the view between the interior and exterior of your home, think about getting an entrance that shows you a beautiful view at all times.

Two excellent options of transparent entrances for your backyard are sliding patio doors and garden doors, which have similar perks but different styles. While both doors offer clean and crisp views of the backyard, the sliding patio doors are better for narrower spaces — these doors won’t take up extra room when they are opened. Garden doors take up more room, but they make for a more dramatic entrance when both doors are pushed open. Whether you prefer sliding patio doors or garden doors, Casa Bella Windows offers both options so that you can get the renovated backyard of your dreams.

 The Patio

If you already have a patio, you will want to invest some time and money into sprucing it up, especially after it has endured a long winter with ice and snow. Check the wood for splinters, scratches and chips — anything that indicates a need for maintenance and repair. After cleaning the patio with a power hose, you can sand the wood down and give it a fresh coat of paint or stain — paint is best for a bright and colourful look, whereas stain will bring a more classic and natural appeal. If the patio is in total disrepair, showing problems like broken steps, cracked boards or wood rot, you should have it professionally redone.

Patios are the perfect spot to have company over for dinner, drinks and conversation, so set up a seating area on the revamped floor. Place a table in an area of the patio and surround it with an assortment of comfortable furniture pieces like chairs, benches and couches. Decorate the furniture with vibrant cushions and blankets, and decorate the rest of the patio with lanterns or potted plants.

The Garden

After you have renovated your back door and your patio, you can improve your backyard with gardening. There are many creative possibilities with gardening, like planting a single tree, making a simple border of shrubs or creating an elaborate flower bed. You can look for inspiration online and on social media to see if you like of the trendiest ideas and gardening projects. Some of those trendy ideas include, making a vertical garden along your fences, filling a birdbath with lush plants, and building a display out of benches and shelves for your potted plants. There is no wrong answer when it comes to improving your home with gardening — it will always be a good decision to add natural flair and freshness to your backyard.

Don’t feel glum that the cold weather is making you huddle in doors — soon enough, the spring will arrive and the outdoors will be lush and warm. In the meantime, you can start planning the improvements you can make to your backyard when the snow melts. With some preparation and some professional work, your backyard will be a lovely space where you can invite your friends to visit, or where you can sit in the sunshine and have a quiet moment to yourself.